Saturday, August 16,2025
Covill Park, Red Wing, Mn
7AM - 8:30AM - Boater & Veteran Sign In
8:30AM - 8:45AM - Teaming Up of Partners
8:45AM National Anthem
9:00AM Launching of Boats
Contact Kevin Valento, Event Chair at
Our annual Take A Vet fishing event is an event that club members, community members, and Veterans look forward to every year. We start the morning off with coffee and donuts. After this we play the National anthem and launch the boats for a day of fishing. The Veterans enjoy time on the water fishing. For some it is their only chance to be on the water. Boaters enjoy the conversations with the vets as they share their boats with them. At the end of the day we serve everyone a meal. This event is looked forward to by everyone year after year.
Our Spring seminar helps fund this and other charitable events we hold throughout the year. This event has grown larger over the years. This year we paired over 80 Vets with volunteer boaters. We cannot begin to thank the boaters enough for their time and expense in helping with this event. Some of these boaters travel over 400 miles to help with this event.
From the photographers that donate their time to take countless photos,
the cooks and servers that feed everyone,
fire department that hangs the flag for us plus the small army that backs boats, unhooks straps and cleans fish, it is a real team effort to make this work. Thank you to everyone that helps make this one of the most memorable days of the year. A special thank you for our sponsors. With out your kind support this event would not be possible.