Sign up to to receive emails from us about club news, and fishing events.
* Promote and enjoy the sport of Walleye fishing
* Community Service
* Spring Seminar
* Event open to the public
* Seminar by a nationally recognized Walleye fisherman and guide
* Fishing related displays and youth focused activities
* Numerous opportunities to win prizes
* Financial and technical support for numerous High School fishing teams
* Monthly member's fishing tournaments from April through October
* Fund and manage the annual "Lake Pepin Open" fishing tournament
* Support for High School fishing teams
* 7-10 teams annually
* ~$5,000 of support annually
* Cash donations to local community focused organizations, e.g., Boys and Girls clubs, youth fishing events
youth camps, Eagles and other outdoor related activities
*~$2,500 annually
* Take a Vet fishing
*2022- 84 Veterans, 62 boats, 80 volunteers including the Captains
*~$2,500 annually
* Member dues
* Annual Spring Seminar
* Donations from local and national fishing and outdoor businesses
*Ticket sales for chances to win donated items
* Annual Raffle for cash prizes
* Monthly Meeting (typically the first Monday of the month
* Tournaments (monthly April thru October)
* Participants paired randomly for each event.
* 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and big fish awarded
* Tournament Schedule at https://walleyesearcher.meetings-and-events
* Tournament guidelines at
* Meeting and event schedule at
* Blue Ticket Raffle (major fund raiser)
* Spring Seminar (fund raiser and community outreach)
* Take a Vet fishing (community outreach)
* Finacial support for High School Fishing Clubs
* Sponsor and manage the Lake Pepin Open (LPO)
* Volunteers Tournament (must qualify by earning points)
* Point award schedule at
* Club By Laws, Tournament Guidelines, and membership application at htpps://
* Walleye Searchers Facebook page at
* Officers for 2023 are:
* President,
* Vice President, Gabe Kuettner,
* Treasurer, Steve Iverson,
* Secretary, Kyle VanDeWalker,